While viewing the Map, you have various options to change the look and ensure you see all the desired information.
The Map Layers Menu is located in the bottom left corner of the Map page:
From the Layers Menu select from the following options:
- Color Key:
Quickly reference what each pin color represents in the current map view:
Use the Company, Person and Deal icons to flip through Color Keys for each object. Note: If an data object is not turned on at the top of the map - you will not be able to click on the Color Key for this object. Learn more about turning on different types of data here.
To learn more about creating Color Keys - please visit the Pin Settings and Color Key article here.
- Shape Key:
Quickly reference what each pin shape represents in the current map view:
Use the Company, Person and Deal icons to flip through Shape Keys for each object. Note: If an data object is not turned on at the top of the map - you will not be able to click on the Shape Key for this object. Learn more about turning on different types of data here.
To learn more about creating Shape Keys - please visit the Pin Settings and Color Key article here.
- Alert Badges:
Alert Badges allow you to visually see which records need attention based on whether they have an overdue activity, the Frequency status is Past Due or Upcoming, or there is an upcoming activity soon
- Boundaries:
The Boundaries Menu item offers an secondary access point to the Territories functionality and Geographic Lines / Data to be overlayed on the Map.
Within the Territories tab show or hide specified Territories on the Map using the eyeball icon on the right side of the desired Territory:
Within the Geographic Lines tab, see state, county or postal code lines drawn onto the map adjusting based on the appropriate zoom level:
Turn on Demographic Data information to see geographies color-coded by demographics like population or median income:
Use the "Configure Demographic Data" button to adjust elements such as the Data Source (Median Income vs Population), Color Theme, Classification Method and additional preferences: - Heat Map:
The Heat Map allows you to visualize data concentrations of Activities or Deals on the Web Map
A. Activity Heat Map - The Activity Heat Map will allow you to easily view where the largest concentration of Activities are being logged geographically
By default, the Activity Heat Map will display visually based on Activities logged all time for any Activity Type. To edit the criteria, select the "Configure Heat Map" button
This will pop up a side panel to make edits to the Activity Heat Map Criteria (or to switch to the Deals Heat Map)
To edit the timespan, choose one of the following time spans from the dropdown:
- All Time - Includes all Activities ever logged historically
- Week - An additional dropdown will appear to select the desired week
- Month - An additional dropdown will appear to select the desired month
- Quarter - An additional dropdown will appear to select the desired quarter
- Custom - A select range field will appear to specify the desired time frame
To edit the Activity Types, use the “Include the following Activity Types” to select or deselect Activity Types to show the desired types
B. Deal Heat Map - The Deal Heat Map will allow you to easily view where revenue concentrations from Deals exist geographically.
By default, the Deal Heat Map will display visually based on Deals logged all time for any Funnel or Stage. To edit the criteria, select the "Configure Heat Map" button
This will pop up a side panel to make edits to the Deals Heat Map Criteria (or to switch to the Activity Heat Map)
To edit the timespan, choose one of the following time spans from the dropdown:
- All Time - Includes all Deals ever logged historically
- Week - An additional dropdown will appear to select the desired week
- Month - An additional dropdown will appear to select the desired month
- Quarter - An additional dropdown will appear to select the desired quarter
- Custom - A select range field will appear to specify the desired time frame
To edit the Deal Funnels being displayed on the map, use the “Select Funnels” select or deselect the Funnels you would like to visualize
To edit the types of Deal Revenue based on stages being displayed on the map, use the “Select Types of Deal Revenue” check boxes to select or deselect the options you would like to visualize
- Closed Won - Includes all Deals that have been marked “Closed Won” in the selected Funnels.
- Closed Lost - Includes all Deals that have been marked “Closed Lost” in the selected Funnels.
- Gross Open Revenue - Includes all Deals in any stage that is not considered “Closed”
- User Locations:
User Locations will allow users to pull up a history of where / when users last logged into the MMC mobile application
To dive further into an individual user over a given time period - click on the user's name in the list:
This will open up a historic log over the specific time range (up to 30 days of history) about Check-ins and other location information
Note: User Location can only be enabled by the administrator and team members will only see their own location. - Traffic Lines:
The Traffic Lines feature allows you to overlay current traffic conditions onto the Map powered by Google traffic information:
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