The Users and Permissions page allows administrators to build out Teams and add users to their MMC instance. This page will allow Team Owners / Team Managers to give users access to specific subsets of data and to share permissions around how users can interact with this data.
To access Users and Permissions:
- Click the Gear symbol in the upper right corner of the web version
- Select Users and Permissions under Organization Settings
Click Here to watch a video tutorial on Managing Users and Team.
Creating Teams allows you to mirror the set up of your sales organizations in Map My Customers. Sales reps can be on teams with Team Managers who oversee sales activities.
The Team Owner(s) of the Map My Customers instance will be able to create teams and each of those teams can be managed by multiple users.
To add a Team:
- Click the “Add Team” button just beneath the Navigation bar
- Choose a Team Name
- Confirm by clicking “Create Team”
Teams allow managers to see the records (Companies, People, Deals and Activities) of all team members. They can use the “Visible to” Filter on the Web Map or List Views pages to see the records as if they were a specific team member. This allows them to quickly go from seeing the whole team to seeing just information pertaining to an individual member.
Team Managers have full permissions and have access to anything shared with members of their teams. (See below to learn more about permissions and access rights)
To add Users:
- On the Users and Permissions page, click the blue “Add Member” button in the upper right corner
- Choose to add users one at a time or multiple users at once
- Type in their email address and select the team they should be on. Here you will be able to see how many licenses/users are available to add
- If you’re adding individual users you can also select their role:
- Owner: Team Owners have full admin permissions across all of MMC. This includes adding and deleting users, assigning data visibility and permissions, accessing the CRM integration and creating new Custom Fields, Layouts and Color Keys.
Manager: Team managers have full permissions and access to anything shared or owned by other Team Members or Team Managers on their team
- This means that if there are multiple managers on a team, each manager will have access to everything accessible to the other
- Member: Team members have to be given permissions as well as access to records via Groups, Territories or through direct record ownership
- Note: Updating an existing Team Manager or Member to a Team Owner role is not currently supported within the interface. If you would like to update an existing user to a Team Owner/ Team Admin in your MMC instance, please contact or your Account Manager
Upon being added to MMC, new users will get an email from asking them to set up their password. They can click the link in the email and then set their password to get started. To learn more about new user password set up, visit this article
Access Rights:
Records can be shared with Team Members and Managers giving them view access to necessary Companies, People or Deal records (permission to edit and delete is covered in Permissions below).
To share Records:
- On the Users and Permissions page, click "Give Users Access to" on the desired user
On the right panel, select the Group type to share (Company, People, Deals) or elect to share Routes or Territories
- Select which Groups / Routes / Territories to give access to. Once the blue check mark appears, the selection has been made and shared successfully
Managers automatically have access to any records shared with members of teams they manage. If Company Groups are shared, any associated People, Deals or Activities associated with these Companies will automatically be shared with the Team Member as well.
Each team member can be given individual permissions to Edit and Delete records that have been shared with them. This allows some users to have greater edit / deletion access and others to only have view access.
To assign Permissions:
- On the Users and Permissions page, click "Assign Permissions" on the desired user
- On the right panel, select the object type for these permissions (Companies, People, Deals, Routes, Territories)
- Select what level or permission to allow by clicking on the adjacent checkbox for “Allow user to edit” or “Allow user to edit”
Managers automatically have permission to Edit and Delete any records shared to them or shared with members of teams they manage so there will not be an “Assign Permissions” button to the right of their email.
Team Members automatically have permission to Edit and Delete any records that they are the Owner of.
Any fields marked View Only via the Manage Fields permissions cannot be edited by a Team Member or Manager even with Edit Permissions shared
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