Activities let you track all of your interactions while out in the field: an in-person meeting, a phone call, or more. With customizable Activity Types, you can easily understand the context of a meeting and take actionable steps to move forward.
Only the Account admin can add new Activity Types.
Default Types:
- Visit
- Call
- Meeting
- Lunch
- Task
- Text
To add a new Activity Type:
- Tap on the Gear icon in the app Header
- Open the Activity Types dropdown
- Tap “+ Activity Type.”
- Name the custom Activity Type
- Tap “Save”
To log an Activity:
- Tap "Add Activity” on the Home screen
- Fill out all Activity Fields:
- Activity Type: The interaction you made with your customer (Ex: Visit, Call, Lunch)
- Activity Title: Copy the Activity Type by default; however, you can customize it in the empty text space.
- Relationship:
Company: Associate the Activity with a Company record.
Person: Associate the Activity with a Person record.
Deal: Associate the Activity with a Deal record. - Mark as Completed: Toggle on or off based on the Activity completion status.
- Notes: Any important notes about the interaction.
- Tap on “Show all fields.”
- Custom Fields: The account admin can create custom fields for Activity records. An example of an Activity custom field could be something like a “Subtype” to indicate whether an Activity was a Presentation or a Cold Call beyond just being a Meeting.
- Files: Upload a photo, video, or document that might be helpful for this event.
- Assigned to: The owner of the activity. Note: Managers can assign the activities to their team members here.
- Visibility: Select whether you want to keep the activity private, share it with management (Recommended), or the entire organization
4. Tap "Next" to select a Start and End time to set a duration
Follow-up: Create follow-ups to schedule another visit, meeting, or any other activity type to the associated company you are currently working on.
This will allow you to carry over the fields you filled in the first activity
- Notifications: Select when and how you would like to get notified before you hit the activity date. (Example: Via email 30 minutes before)
- All-day activity: For events lasting an entire day.
- Repeats: If the activity repeats on a specific frequency, such as once a week or every two months
- Tap “Save.”
You will now be able to view your activity on the Planner view. To learn more about the Smart Planner, visit this article
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