Activities let you track all of you or your reps' actions while out in the field or during an in office day. With customizable Activity Types, you can easily understand the context of a meeting and take actionable steps to move forward.
To log an Activity:
- Click on the universal (+) button at the top right of the page or select the Add button on the Activities tab within the record you would like to associate an Activity
Fill out all Activity Fields such as:
Activity Name: The default is the Activity Type name but this is a customizable free text field
Activity Type: The type of interaction made i.e. Visit, Lunch, Call
Date / Time Stamp: When the Activity was completed or is due - to future plan an Activity, simply move the date into the future and ensure the "Done" toggle is turned off
Done: Toggle on / off to mark the activity completion status
Activity Note: Notes about the Activity
Assignee: Assign Activities for your Reps to complete
Company: Associate the Activity with a Company
Person: Associate the Activity with a Person
Deal: Associate the Activity with a Deal
Files: Upload a photo, video, or document that might be helpful for this event
- Capture information in any Custom Fields added specifically for your organization
- Check "Create follow-up" in the bottom right corner if you'd like to immediately create a new Activity following the completion of your record. This will bring up a new Activity record so you can save time when logging multiple Activities in a row
- Click "Log Activity" to save this activity
To set a reminder on future planned Activities:
- Select the notifications button in the upper right corner of the Activity form
- Select whether you would like to receive a Push notification on your mobile device or an Email notification reminder (or both)
Insert a number value of how many minutes, hours, days or weeks before you would like this reminder
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