In Map My Customers, the “Smart Planner” is your daily, weekly, and monthly agenda builder of sorts. On it, you’ll find all of your activities, past and present, complete and incomplete.
You can easily interact with the calendar in a few different ways. You can click and drag on the calendar to create new activities, you can easily move existing activities around by clicking, dragging, and dropping them, and lastly, you can click on any activity shown on the calendar to quickly view more details, edit, and delete that specific activity.
Other valuable parts of Smart Planner include the map on the far left of your screen. This map reflects the activities currently in view for the week shown on your calendar.
There are also various ways to search and filter through existing activities across your calendar in case you want to narrow down the results shown or find a particular meeting.
Lastly, the innovative part of Smart Planner lies in its ability to suggest ways to fill gaps in your day. If you use activities in a proactive way already, you can easily spot “smart suggestions” placed intelligently on your calendar. More on each type of these smart suggestions below.
To Access Smart Planner:
- Go to "Planner" at the Navigation Bar
Viewing & Editing Activities
Click on any existing activity on your calendar and it will open up a pop-up that shows you details such as the name of the activity, associated records, attached files, notes and more. Click the ‘edit’ button, ‘postpone’ button, or ‘mark as complete’ buttons to quickly modify these activities.
Clicking and Dragging to Create New Activities
By clicking and dragging on the calendar, you will be presented with a pop-up allowing you to quickly create an activity for the exact date and time range you selected.
Dragging and Dropping Activities
By clicking and dragging any existing activity on your calendar to a new place on the calendar, it will automatically update the time and date of your activity to where you dropped it. The other thing you can do to easily modify existing activities is to click and drag the edge of an activity. This will allow you to quickly lengthen or shorten the activity.
Planner Map
Use the planner map on the left-hand side of the calendar to easily view where this week's Activities are located on the map (activities will map out based on the associated records attached to them). You can click on any of the pins on the map to pull up the associated record(s). If an activity is not associated with an account or contact, it will not show up on the map.
Use the arrow keys above the map to easily move back and forth between weeks. You can use the map to easily understand when and where you might need to travel in upcoming weeks or months.
Searching & Filtering the Calendar
Use the search bar in the top left of your screen to search the calendar in real-time.
To filter the calendar by specific fields (i.e. Custom Fields, Relationships) use the Filter button in the top left of the screen. Multiple Filters can be applied at one time
As a Manager or Admin - quickly view additional users' activities on the calendar using the "Show activities assigned to" options on the left side of the Planner.
Lastly, the right-hand side of the Planner allows you to sort the calendar by status of activities (incomplete, complete) or change the view to day/week/month view.
Smart Suggestions
The most useful features of Smart Planner are, well, the smart bits. By merely logging activities in the Map My Customers application (web or mobile) your Planner will start to fill up automatically with suggestions for actions like:
- Locating Companies / People nearby where you already have future Activities
- Highlighting Companies / People about to go over a pre-applied cadence
- Providing suggestions to fill in gaps in your day
Nearby Suggestions will display as a little arrow icon inside an Activity where Company / People records exist within 5 miles of the associated record on the Activity. Click the arrow icon for a pop-up map of the Companies / People near this Activity
Over-cadence suggestions will appear at the start of a day (on your Planner) when any Company or People are due to go over cadence on that calendar day. Click on the suggestion to get a pop-up of all these respective records. From here, you can easily click to add an activity to the record that has fallen out of cadence
Suggestions to fill in gaps in your day appear whenever you have a large chunk of time open on a day that already has at least a few hours of scheduled activities. Since you’re already quite active on days like this, our system will automatically “push” you to fill out the rest of your day by adding a new activity.
To learn more about using the Planner on the mobile version, please visit the Mobile Planner article here
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