Within the Map screen, Filters allow you to focus on records that are meaningful to you. Filters can be applied via Quick Filters, Standard Filters, or Saved Filters
Quick Filters
Quick Filters in Map My Customers are represented by pill icons at the top of the Map that you can tap to apply a desired filter or scroll to the right to see more.
Map My Customers has a variety of quick options for filtering, including (from left to right):
- Entity Type - This allows you to filter by Companies, People, or Deals
- Nearby - Filter records within a selected radius of your current location
- No Contact In - Filter records that have not had an Activity logged in a selected number of days
- Frequency Interval - Filter records based on the Frequency interval that has been assigned
- Frequency Status - Filter records that are past due or not past due in Frequency
- Added in the past - Filter records that were added within a chosen time frame
- Next Activity - Filter records that have an upcoming activity attached within a chosen time frame
- Deal Status - Filter Deals that are considered “rotting” because they have been in stage longer than the limit set by the team admin
- No Location - Filter records that have no location attached to them. This brings up the List View screen since records with no location cannot be displayed on a Map.
Apply Filters
In addition to selecting one of our Quick Filter options, you can also add Filters to the Map based on any field that lives on the record whether that is standard or custom to your MMC instance
Filter Types
When adding filters, you’ll be shown a list of 4 basic filter types:
- Universal Filters – Filters that apply to all kinds of records
- Company Filters – Filters used in Company Records
- Person Filters – Filters used in People Records
- Deal Filters – Filters used in Deal Records
Note: You can combine these filters across entity types for a unique Map view
To apply a Filter in Map View:
- Tap "Maps" in the Navigation Menu.
- Tap the Filter icon at the top right corner of the screen (inside the search bar)
- Select a Filter type (Universal, Company, People or Deals). For example, to Filter by a Company Custom Field such as Tier or YTD Sales, tap “Company Filters” or simply type the word “Tier” on the search bar [Note: Filter options will be dependent on fields that exist in your MMC instance]
- If you have Saved Filters and would like to apply a new Filter not from the Saved Filter list - select the blue plus button in the bottom right corner prior to step 3
- Upon selecting the field you would like to Filter by - choose the appropriate parameters for the Filter:
- Dropdown: A field that is formatted in a dropdown will allow you to choose one or multiple of the dropdown options (EX: Tier A and B Companies)
- Numeric: A field that is formatted in as a numeric value will allow you to set greater than, less than, between and equal to parameters (EX: YTD Sales is greater than $5000)
- Date: A field that is formatted as a date will allow you to set parameters before, after, or on the particular date selected (EX: Last Sale Date is before January 1, 2024)
- Free Text: A field that is formatted as a free text will allow you to Filter with Contains or Equals to parameters (EX: Name contains "Hospital")
- If desired, you can apply multiple filters at once. To layer another Filter on top of the Filter already applied - hit the blue plus button in the bottom corner of the Filter page and follow the steps above once more
- Once you have set all of the desired Filters, tap the “Return to Map” option in the bottom of the screen. This will take you to Map View with pins matching the Filters set on display.
Once a Filter is added, you can save the filters for future use or clear the filter
To save a Filter set:
- Tap “Save" in the upper right corner of the page
- Enter the name you want to assign to this filter
- Select the visibility preference:
- Only me: If you want to keep it private for yourself
- Specific Team(s): You want a specific team to see your saved filter
- Entire organization: Share with everyone in your organization
4. Toggle on the "Show as favorite quick Filter" option if you will use this filter frequently and would like to have quick access to it from the Map view.
5. Tap "Save"
Note: Once you have created a Saved Filter - the list of previously created Saved Filters will be the default view when clicking on the Filter icon in the future
To remove / clear a filter:
- Press the red delete icon to the right of the filter you wish to remove
- To clear all filters currently applied, you can tap on “Clear All” button
To apply a Filter in List View:
- Tap "Maps" in the Navigation Menu
- Press the Search bar at the top of the screen or drag the List View up from the bottom of the screen
- Tap the Filter icon next to the search bar
- Select a Filter type (Universal, Company, People or Deals). For example, to Filter by a Company Custom Field such as Tier or YTD Sales, tap “Company Filters” or simply type the word “Tier” on the search bar [Note: Filter options will be dependent on fields that exist in your MMC instance]
- Upon selecting the field you would like to Filter by - choose the appropriate parameters for the Filter
- If desired, you can apply multiple filters at once. To layer another Filter on top of the Filter already applied - hit the blue plus button in the bottom corner of the Filter page and follow the steps above once more
- Once you have set all of the desired Filters, tap the “Return to Map” option in the bottom of the screen. This will take you to Map View with pins matching the Filters set on display.
To edit a Filter:
- Tap "Maps" in the Navigation Menu
- Tap the Filter icon at the top of the screen
- Edit your Filter fields
- Tap "Return to Map" to see the newly updated Filters on display
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